You are about to speak to a potential client Nick Bosa Jersey , go to a networking meeting or give a presentation. What should you be saying to yourself in those few minutes beforehand? If you spend that time saying what I propose below, you will effortlessly and naturally become very attractive to your potential clients. This approach is very powerful, I promise you.
What if, in those few minutes, you say to yourself:
* I desperately need this client.
* I want their money.
* I need to show them how good my services are.
* I need to get them to listen to me.
* I hope they think I am good enough.
* I need to remember my "script" and those objection handling and closing techniques.
* I don't think I am going to enjoy this.
Do you ever say these kinds of things to yourself?
Imagine how you are going to come across if you are be-ing like this? Desperate? Unauthentic? Uncaring? Not relaxed? Attached to the outcome? It's all about me, me K.J. Hill Jersey , me. Like a salesperson? Oh no!
Instead, just suppose that in those few minutes, you say to yourself:
* I am about to have a conversation to explore if I can help.
* I really want to help.
* I want what's best for this person, even if they don't become my client.
* My focus is on what I can give, not what I can get.
* I am committed to helping but not attached to it.
* I am going to put myself in their shoes. I will look at things from their perspective.
* I am going to be me (open, honest, full of integrity, natural ...).
* I am going to enjoy this.
* I am going to forget about trying to sell them something.
Imagine now how you are going to come across if you are be-ing like this. Authentic? Caring? Relaxed? Committed? It's all about them. Magnetic? Not at all like a salesperson!
If you are be-ing this way when you are having a conversation, you will quickly build rapport and trust; people will listen to you then. Talk about your solution and products before you do this and what you say will fall on deaf ears.
I suggest you create your own written list by using mine as a starting point. Add to it over time. Say these things, out loud preferably Damon Webb Jersey , to yourself before you speak to any potential clients. Then sincerely (or it will not work) be like this.
This may sound silly to some of you but it works. Eventually you will be like this naturally and getting clients will become easier and easier. People will find you magnetic.
This is a simple and yet very powerful technique. Please do not underestimate it. Try it out for yourself and if you do, I promise, you'll quickly be on the path to getting a lot more clients. It's all in the be-ing!
(c) 2005, Tessa Stowe, Sales Conversation. You are welcome to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info at the end) and all links are made live.
The term “climate change” is used a lot lately; so much so that a lot of us have grown tired of the subject. It’s important to understand what this term really means. It means that there is evidence that has been collected by scientists all over the world which concludes that the global temperature has increased. Further, the rate of that increase implies that the global temperature will continue to increase at an alarming rate. While this increase is only a few degrees and seems harmless J.K. Dobbins Jersey , those few degrees upset the balance of the Earth. The water cycle as we know it is already changing as a result. Yes, the Earth has seen higher temperatures and higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere in the past; but that was a different world, and we were not part of it. We are now, and we rely on its consistent and reliable behavior to survive. Changes to that behavior mean risks to our health and our livelihood.
If you live in an area that has not been impacted by extreme drought over the past few years, then you’re lucky. But you have heard about the drought and about the flooding in other areas due to excess rainfall. These conditions can be attributed to, and the impacts certainly exacerbated by Malik Hooker Jersey , this global increase in temperature. Warmer temperatures increase the rate of evaporation of water on the ground, which increases the strain on the atmosphere’s capacity to hold that water. This can lead to excessive drying in some parts of the country and then excessive precipitation in others. Further, warmer temperatures cause snow packs to melt sooner in the year, which alters the timing of stream flows into rivers that get their water from mountainous areas.
Flooding is a devastating effect of too much rain and early snow melt. It not only ruins homes and other structures and threatens or takes lives, but it poses serious issues to water quality and infrastructure both in and downstream of the impacted area. Water treatment plants and sewer systems become overwhelmed by the massive volume of water. Runoff from sewers, streets Mike Weber Jr. Jersey , industrial facilities, etc. overflows into rivers and lakes, carrying sediment, nutrients, pollutants, trash Raekwon McMillan Jersey , animal waste, and other possibly toxic materials into the water supply. With excess materials and contaminants in the sewers and pipes, it can cause additional wear to the already aging water infrastructure in the states. Flooding also contaminates and ruins crops that provide our food sources.